Source code for rna_predict.dcatools

# coding: utf-8

import os
from pkg_resources import ResourceManager
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
import numpy as np
import re

from . import pdbtools
from . import utils
from .sysconfig import SysConfig

INFO_DIRECTORY = SysConfig.SYSCONFIG_LOCATION + os.sep + "structure_info"
CACHE_DISTANCEMAP = CACHE_DIRECTORY + os.sep + "distancemap.dat"

[docs]class DcaException(Exception): """ Custom exception class used for foreseeable, DCA related errors. """ pass
def _get_atoms_backbone(term_phosphate=False): """ Get list of backbone atoms. :param term_phosphate: add P atoms :return: list of atoms """ atoms = ["P", "OP1", "OP2"] if term_phosphate else [] return atoms + ["O5'", "C5'", "C4'", "O4'", "C3'", "O3'", "C2'", "O2'", "C1'"]
[docs]def get_atoms_for_res(res, term_phosphate=False): """ Get list of atoms for residue. :param res: nucleotide (A,U,G,C) :param term_phosphate: add P atoms :return: list of atoms """ atoms = _get_atoms_backbone(term_phosphate) if res == "A": return atoms + ["N9", "C8", "N7", "C5", "C6", "N6", "N1", "C2", "N3", "C4"] elif res == "U": return atoms + ["N1", "C2", "O2", "N3", "C4", "O4", "C5", "C6"] elif res == "G": return atoms + ["N9", "C8", "N7", "C5", "C6", "O6", "N1", "C2", "N2", "N3", "C4"] elif res == "C": return atoms + ["N1", "C2", "O2", "N3", "C4", "N4", "C5", "C6"]
[docs]def get_atoms_for_res_sequence(sequence): """ Get list of atoms for a sequence of nucleotides :param sequence: sequence as text :return: list of atoms """ atoms = [] first = True for res in sequence: res = res.upper() atoms.append((res, get_atoms_for_res(res, term_phosphate=(not first)))) first = False return atoms
[docs]def get_contact_distance_map(structure_directory=INFO_DIRECTORY, westhof_vector=None, force_rebuild=False): """ Returns contact distance map The contact distance map is cached it in the user directory and updated when newer files are found. :param structure_directory: directory to look up structure information text files :param westhof_vector: list of factors to apply different weights to the bonding family classes (defaults to ``[1, 1, ... ]``) :param force_rebuild: force rebuilding the distance map """ # default: same weight for all families if not westhof_vector: westhof_vector = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] nucleotides = ["A", "U", "G", "C"] # build a dict of filenames # if a local file is present in the user directory it will take precedence over the system wide shipped version structure_filenames = {} resource_manager = ResourceManager() for nt1 in nucleotides: for nt2 in nucleotides: ntpair = "%s-%s" % (nt1, nt2) local_file = structure_directory + os.sep + ntpair + ".txt" if os.path.isfile(local_file): structure_filenames[ntpair] = local_file else: structure_filenames[ntpair] = resource_manager.resource_filename(__name__, "structure_info/%s.txt" % ntpair) # try to use a cached version of the distance map if found and recent and force_rebuild is False if not force_rebuild: try: cache_ok = True if os.path.isfile(CACHE_DISTANCEMAP): cache_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(CACHE_DISTANCEMAP) for d in structure_filenames.itervalues(): if os.path.getmtime(d) > cache_timestamp: cache_ok = False print "Contact map cache out of date. Rebuilding..." break if cache_ok: with open(CACHE_DISTANCEMAP, "r") as f: return pickle.load(f) except (IOError, pickle.PickleError, AttributeError, EOFError, IndexError): print "Contact map cache broken. Rebuilding..." print "Building contact distance map:" pdb_structure_dict = {} distance_map = {} for nt1 in nucleotides: for nt2 in nucleotides: distance_map_res_pair = {} pdb_codes = [] residues = [] # read the structures for the 12 edge-to-edge bonding families for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(structure_filenames[nt1 + '-' + nt2]): fields = line.split(" ") if fields[0] != "-": pdb_codes.append(fields[0].upper()) residues.append((int(fields[1]), int(fields[2]))) else: pdb_codes.append(None) residues.append(None) # loop over all pdbcodes and their index in the list (0-11) for index, pdb_code in enumerate(pdb_codes): # skip if we don't have any entry for this family if pdb_code is None: continue # download pdb if necessary if pdb_code not in pdb_structure_dict: pdb_structure_dict[pdb_code] = pdbtools.parse_pdb(pdb_code, pdbtools.get_pdb_by_code(pdb_code)) # extract model from pdb model = pdb_structure_dict[pdb_code][0] # try to find the residue contact specified. this is done by looping over all chains in the model, # and checking if the residue is in there and is the correct nucleotide def find_res(res, resname): for chain in model: try: if chain[res].get_resname().strip() == resname: return chain[res] except KeyError: pass return None res1 = find_res(residues[index][0], nt1) res2 = find_res(residues[index][1], nt2) if not res1 or not res2: raise Exception("Could not find residue contact in pdb file: %s-%s %s %s %s" % (nt1, nt2, pdb_code, residues[index][0], residues[index][1])) print "%s-%s %s %s %s" % (nt1, nt2, pdb_code, residues[index][0], residues[index][1]) # add all atom-atom contacts to the distance map for the current residue pair for atom1 in res1: for atom2 in res2: if not ('H') or'H')): contact_key = str( + '-' + str( distance = westhof_vector[index] * (atom1 - atom2) if contact_key not in distance_map_res_pair: distance_map_res_pair[contact_key] = [distance] else: distance_map_res_pair[contact_key].append(distance) distance_map[nt1 + nt2] = distance_map_res_pair # save distance map in cache utils.mkdir_p(CACHE_DIRECTORY) with open(CACHE_DISTANCEMAP, "w") as f: pickle.dump(distance_map, f) return distance_map
[docs]def get_contact_distance_map_mean(distance_map, mean_cutoff=None, std_cutoff=None): """ Return an average distance map containing only those contacts with average distance and standard deviation satisfiying a cutoff. :param distance_map: full distance map :param mean_cutoff: limit for average :param std_cutoff: limit for standard deviation :return: average distance map """ mean_distance_map = {} for res_pair, distance_map_res_pair in distance_map.iteritems(): mean_distance_map_res = {} for atom_pair, distances_atom_pair in distance_map_res_pair.iteritems(): mean = np.asarray(distances_atom_pair).mean() std = np.asarray(distances_atom_pair).std() if (mean_cutoff is None or mean < mean_cutoff) and (std_cutoff is None or std < std_cutoff): mean_distance_map_res[atom_pair] = [mean, std] mean_distance_map[res_pair] = mean_distance_map_res return mean_distance_map
[docs]def read_pdb_mapping_from_file(dca_prediction_filename): """ Read a PDB mapping from DCA file if present and return it as text :param dca_prediction_filename: DCA input filename :return: PDB mapping text """ pattern_parameter = re.compile(r"^#\s(\S+)\s+(.*)$") for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(dca_prediction_filename): if line[0] == "#": # comment / parameter line m = pattern_parameter.match(line) if m: if == "pdb-mapping": return continue # we only allow comments on top, so no need to check the rest of the lines: break return None
[docs]def parse_dca_data(dca_prediction_filename): """ Read a DCA file, adjust the sequence numbers to match the alignment of the PDB file, and create a list of DcaContacts :param dca_prediction_filename: DCA input filename :return: list of DcaContact objects """ print "Parsing dca file %s..." % dca_prediction_filename # read pdb mapping from file pdb_mapping_text = read_pdb_mapping_from_file(dca_prediction_filename) if pdb_mapping_text is None: print "pdb-mapping: 1-N (no pdb-mapping found in header of dca file)" else: print "pdb-mapping: %s" % pdb_mapping_text # parse pdb mapping to dict # for example 1-7,80,100-120,8-9 --> {1: 1, 2: 2, ..., 80: 8, 81: 9, ...} try: pdb_mapping = None if pdb_mapping_text is None else {x: i + 1 for i, x in enumerate(utils.comma_separated_ranges_to_list(pdb_mapping_text))} except ValueError as e: raise DcaException("Invalid pdb mapping string: %s" % e.message) dca = [] for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(dca_prediction_filename): if line[0] == "#": continue # data line parts = line.split(" ") if pdb_mapping is not None: try: res1 = pdb_mapping[int(parts[0])] res2 = pdb_mapping[int(parts[1])] except KeyError: # our dca file might contain more than what we are interested in for the current prediction. # simply ignore all dca pairs that don't fit the mapping range, but print a warning. print "Warning: At least one residue of contact %s not found in PDB-Mapping. Ignoring..." % parts[:2] continue else: res1 = int(parts[0]) res2 = int(parts[1]) dca.append(DcaContact(res1, res2)) return dca
[docs]def get_contact_information_in_pdb_chain(dca_contact, pdb_chain, heavy_only=True): """ Returns distance information about a DCA contact in a realized PDB chain Return value is a tuple of: - Average distance: Mean distance of all atoms in the contacts. - Minimum distance: Minimum distance between two atoms in the contact. - Minimum pair: List of ``[atom1, atom2]`` forming the minimal contact :param dca_contact: DcaContact object :param pdb_chain: PDB chain structure object :param heavy_only: Only use heavy atoms :return: tuple ``(average_dist, minimum_dist, minimum_pair)``. In case the contact cannot be found in the PDB file ``(0, 0, None)`` is returned. """ try: res1, res2 = (pdb_chain[dca_contact.res1], pdb_chain[dca_contact.res2]) except KeyError: return 0, 0, None # calculate average distance average_heavy = np.linalg.norm(pdbtools.get_center_of_res(res1) - pdbtools.get_center_of_res(res2)) minimum_heavy = 9999 minimum_pair = [] for atom1 in pdbtools.filter_atoms(res1, heavy_only): for atom2 in pdbtools.filter_atoms(res2, heavy_only): dist = np.linalg.norm(atom1.coord - atom2.coord) if dist < minimum_heavy: minimum_heavy = dist minimum_pair = [atom1, atom2] return average_heavy, minimum_heavy, minimum_pair
[docs]def build_cst_info_from_dca_contacts(dca_data, sequence, mapping_mode, cst_function, number_dca_predictions, quiet=False): """ Maps DCA residue contacts to atom-atom constraints. :param dca_data: list od DcaContacts :param sequence: sequence as text :param mapping_mode: atom-to-atom mapping mode to use, supported values: "minAtom" or "pOnly" :param cst_function: rosetta function and parameters as text string :param number_dca_predictions: maximum number of DCA predictions to use :param quiet: reduce output verbosity :return: list of constraint information """ mapping_mode = mapping_mode.lower() if mapping_mode not in ["minAtom", "ponly"]: raise DcaException("build_cst_info: Invalid mapping mode given: %s" % mapping_mode) if mapping_mode == "minAtom": # load contact map for atom-atom contacts distance_map = get_contact_distance_map() distance_map_mean = get_contact_distance_map_mean(distance_map, mean_cutoff=6.0, std_cutoff=3.0) atoms = get_atoms_for_res_sequence(sequence) cst_info = [] predictions_used = 0 for i, d in enumerate(dca_data): if predictions_used >= number_dca_predictions: if not quiet: print "Limit of %d used predictions reached. Stopping..." % number_dca_predictions break # print some information about the dca contact if not quiet: print "Contact %d: %s" % (i + 1, d) # skip contact completely? if not d.use_contact: if not quiet: print " Dca contact skipped." continue # lookup contact try: res1 = atoms[d.res1 - 1] res2 = atoms[d.res2 - 1] contact_key = res1[0] + res2[0] except IndexError: # This happens only when there was no pdb-mapping specified in the dca file header. # TODO: Maybe this whole mapping parsing thing should be worked over so that these # two cases can be unified. print " Warning: Residues of contact cannot be found in current sequence. Ignoring..." continue predictions_used += 1 if not quiet: print " Dca contact used (%d)." % predictions_used # build atom-atom constraints if mapping_mode == "minAtom": for atom1 in res1[1]: for atom2 in res2[1]: atom_contact_key = atom1 + '-' + atom2 if atom_contact_key in distance_map_mean[contact_key]: distance = distance_map_mean[contact_key][atom_contact_key][0] / 10.0 if not quiet: print "[%s, %s] %s %s %s" % (d.res1, d.res2, contact_key, atom_contact_key, distance) cst_info.append([atom1, d.res1, atom2, d.res2, d.get_rosetta_function(cst_function)]) elif mapping_mode == "ponly": # TODO: rosetta does not add P atoms for the first residue, so just skip those? if d.res1 == 1 or d.res2 == 1: continue atom_contact_key = "P-P" if not quiet: print "[%s, %s] %s %s" % (d.res1, d.res2, contact_key, atom_contact_key) cst_info.append(["P", d.res1, "P", d.res2, d.get_rosetta_function(cst_function)]) return cst_info
[docs]class DcaContact(object): """Class representing a DCA contact."""
[docs] def __init__(self, res1, res2, use_contact=True, weight=1): """ Create new DCA contact. :param res1: number of first residue (from 1) :param res2: number of second residue (from 1) :param use_contact: True or False if contact is to be used :param weight: assign a different weight to the contact (default 1) """ self.res1 = res1 self.res2 = res2 self.use_contact = use_contact self.weight = weight
def __str__(self): return "[%s, %s], use_contact=%s, weight=%f" % (self.res1, self.res2, self.use_contact, self.weight)
[docs] def get_rosetta_function(self, function="FADE -100 26 20 -2 2"): """ Return Rosetta function of the contact as a list while applying weight. :param function: rosetta function as text :return: rosetta function as a list with applied weight """ function = function.split() # parse numeric arguments # noinspection PyShadowingNames def parse_function(function, types): for arg, argtype in types: try: function[arg] = argtype(function[arg]) except ValueError: raise DcaException("Invalid Rosetta function: Could not parse argument '%s' as '%s'" % (function[arg], argtype.__name__)) try: if function[0] == "FADE": parse_function(function, [(1, int), (2, int), (3, int), (4, float), (5, float)]) # TODO: make all of these floats? return [function[0], function[1], function[2], function[3], function[4] * self.weight, function[5] * self.weight] else: raise DcaException("Invalid Rosetta function: '%s' is not implemented! Only 'FADE' function is recognized at this time." % function[0]) except IndexError: raise DcaException("Invalid Rosetta function: Not enough arguments") # DCA FILTERING
[docs]def filter_dca_data(dca_data, dca_filter_chain, quiet=False): """ Run list of DCA contacts through a chain of filters. :param dca_data: list of DcaContact objects :param dca_filter_chain: list of DcaFilter objects :param quiet: reduce output verbosity """ if dca_filter_chain is None: return dca_data for dca_filter in dca_filter_chain: if dca_filter is not None: for contact in dca_data: dca_filter.apply(contact, quiet)
[docs]class DcaFilter(object): """Filter base class."""
[docs] def apply(self, contact, quiet=False): """Apply filter to a DCA contact. :param contact: DCA contact :param quiet: reduce verbosity """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DcaFilterThreshold(DcaFilter): """Filter to skips DCA contact if below or above a threshold."""
[docs] def __init__(self, pdb_chain, threshold, keep_below=True, mode="minimum_heavy"): """ Create a new threshold filter. :param pdb_chain: PDB chain :param threshold: threshold below or above to keep a contact :param keep_below: True to keep below threshold, False to keep above :param mode: What distance to compare to (average_heavy, minimum_heavy) """ self.pdb_chain = pdb_chain self.threshold = threshold self.keep_below = keep_below self.mode = mode
def __repr__(self): return "Threshold filter: keep %s %f (%s)" % ("below" if self.keep_below else "above", self.threshold, self.mode)
[docs] def apply(self, contact, quiet=False): # do not touch contacts that are already disabled if not contact.use_contact: return # get contact information average_heavy, minimum_heavy, minimum_pair = get_contact_information_in_pdb_chain(contact, self.pdb_chain) # skip if not found if minimum_pair is None: contact.use_contact = False print "%s: not found --> skip" return # which distance should be used? if self.mode == "average_heavy": distance = average_heavy else: distance = minimum_heavy skip = False # set contact to disabled if filter failed if (self.keep_below and distance >= self.threshold) or (not self.keep_below and distance <= self.threshold): skip = True contact.use_contact = False if not quiet: print "%s: %f --> %s" % (self, distance, "skip" if skip else "keep")