Source code for rna_predict.simulation

# coding: utf-8

import glob
import numpy as np
import os
from os.path import splitext, basename, abspath
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import string
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time

from . import dcatools
from . import pdbtools
from . import utils

[docs]def check_file_existence(path, alternative_error_text=None): """ Make sure a file exists and raise an exception otherwise. :param path: filename to check :param alternative_error_text: alternative error text passed to exception """ if not os.path.isfile(path): raise SimulationException(alternative_error_text if alternative_error_text is not None else "Cannot find file: %s" % path)
[docs]def check_dir_existence(path, alternative_error_text=None): """ Make sure a directory exists and raise an exception otherwise. :param path: directory to check :param alternative_error_text: alternative error text passed to exception """ if not os.path.isdir(path): raise SimulationException(alternative_error_text if alternative_error_text is not None else "Cannot find directory: %s" % path)
[docs]def delete_glob(pattern, print_notice=True): """ Helper function to delete files while expanding shell globs. :param pattern: pattern to delete :param print_notice: if True print verbose notice """ for f in glob.glob(pattern): if print_notice: print "deleting %s..." % f try: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f, ignore_errors=True) else: os.remove(f) except IOError: pass
[docs]def get_model_count_in_silent_file(silent_file): """ Returns the number of models present in a Rosetta silent file. :param silent_file: filename :return: model count """ n = 0 with open(silent_file, "r") as t: pattern_model = re.compile("^SCORE:\s+[0-9.-]+.*") for line in t: if pattern_model.match(line): n += 1 return n
[docs]def merge_silent_files(target, sources): """ Merges rosetta silent files (.out). All source files are appended to target. Model numbers are incremented uniquely. Source files are deleted after a successful merge. :param target: target filename :param sources: source filenames :return: model count """ # see how many structures we have already n = get_model_count_in_silent_file(target) if os.path.isfile(target) else 0 # loop through all source files and append all new structures to target # while adjusting the numbering pattern_header = re.compile("^(?:SEQUENCE:|SCORE:\s+score).*") pattern_normal = re.compile("^(.*)S_\d+$") for source in glob.glob(sources): print "merging %s into %s" % (source, target) with open(target, "a+") as t: with open(source, "r") as s: for line in s: m = pattern_header.match(line) if m: # only write header if this is he first one if n == 0: t.write(line) continue m = pattern_normal.match(line) if m: if line.startswith("SCORE:"): n += 1 t.write("%sS_%06d\n" % (, n)) continue t.write(line) # delete source files delete_glob(sources, print_notice=True) # return total number of structures return n
[docs]def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')): """Helper function to be used as sort key in sorted() to naturally sort numeric parts.""" return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in re.split(_nsre, s)] # TODO: Correcting atom names IS MOST LIKELY WRONG! It is commented out for now and can probably be removed completely.
[docs]def fix_atom_names_in_cst(cst_info, sequence): """ Switches N1 and N3 atom names in a residue. :param cst_info: list of constraints :param sequence: residue sequence in lower case :return: modified list of constraints """ pyrimidines = ['c', 'u'] purines = ['a', 'g'] cst_info_new = [] for cst in cst_info: atom_name1, res1, atom_name2, res2, function = cst if sequence[res1 - 1] in pyrimidines and atom_name1 == 'N1': atom_name1 = 'N3' print 'correcting atom name for ', res1 if sequence[res2 - 1] in pyrimidines and atom_name2 == 'N1': atom_name2 = 'N3' print 'correcting atom name for ', res2 if sequence[res1 - 1] in purines and atom_name1 == 'N3': atom_name1 = 'N1' print 'correcting atom name for ', res1 if sequence[res2 - 1] in purines and atom_name2 == 'N3': atom_name2 = 'N1' print 'correcting atom name for ', res2 cst_info_new.append([atom_name1, res1, atom_name2, res2, function]) return cst_info_new
[docs]class SimulationException(Exception): """ Custom exception class for foreseeable prediction errors. """ pass
[docs]class Command(object): """ Helper class to store external program calls plus additional flags. """
[docs] def __init__(self, command, add_suffix=None, dry_run=False, print_commands=True, stdin=None, quiet=False): """ Create a new command wrapper. :param command: list of external command and parameters :param add_suffix: type of suffix to first entry in command. currently only ``None`` or ``rosetta`` are supported :param dry_run: don't actually execute anything :param print_commands: print commandline when running :param stdin: optional text to use as standard input :param quiet: hide output of external program """ self.command = command self.add_suffix = add_suffix self.dry_run = dry_run self.print_commands = print_commands self.stdin = stdin self.quiet = quiet
[docs] def get_full_command(self, sysconfig): """ If necessary, add the suffix to the command. Depending on user / system configuration. :param sysconfig: instance of SysConfig :return: suffixed command as a list """ com = self.command[:] if self.add_suffix == "rosetta": com[0] = sysconfig.rosetta_exe_path + com[0] + sysconfig.rosetta_exe_suffix if sysconfig.subprocess_buffsize is not None: com = ["stdbuf", "-o", sysconfig.subprocess_buffsize] + com return com
[docs]class EvalData(object): """ Evaluation data storing model and cluster information. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Create empty EvalData object. """ self.models = {} self.clusters = {} self.cluster_cutoff = 0.0
[docs] def load_from_cst(constraints): """ Load evaluation data from a prediction. :param constraints: constraints selection """ cst_name, cst_file = RNAPrediction.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) return EvalData.load_from_file("predictions/%s/output/evaldata.dat" % cst_name)
[docs] def load_from_file(filename): """ Load evaluation data from a file. :param filename: path to a file containing the evaluation data """ try: with open(filename, "r") as f: eval_data = pickle.load(f) if "rmsd_cluster_1" not in next(eval_data.models.itervalues()): raise SimulationException("evaluation data file '%s' does not contain needed information" % filename) return eval_data except (IOError, pickle.PickleError, AttributeError, EOFError, IndexError, KeyError): # file broken or missing, force full evaluation raise SimulationException("evaluation data file '%s' missing or broken" % filename)
[docs] def save_to_file(self, filename): """ Dump evaldata to a file. :param filename: path to a file to store the data """ with open(filename, "w") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def get_model_count(self): """ Returns the number of models in the vaulation data :return: number of models """ return len(self.models)
[docs] def get_models(self, model_list, kind="tag"): """Returns a selection of models with specific properties :param model_list: list of models to get, might be a list of numbers, or a list of model names :param kind: model selection mode: - ``tag``: str: internal name such as S_000123_5 - ``top``: int: models ordered by score - ``ntop``: int: models ordered by rmsd_native - ``cluster``: int: nth cluster decoy - ``cluster_ntop``: n[/m]: nth cluster ordered by native rmsd [of first m] :return: list of selected models """ # initialize list models_sorted = None results = [] for model_i in model_list: # decide which model we want if kind == "cluster": model_i = int(model_i) tag = self.clusters[model_i]["primary_model"] elif kind == "cluster_ntop": if "/" in model_i: i, limit = (int(x) for x in model_i.split("/")) if i > limit: raise SimulationException("get_models: Cluster number (%d) can't be larger than the limit (%d)" % (i, limit)) else: i = int(model_i) limit = None model_selection = [self.models[m["primary_model"]] for m in self.clusters.values()[:limit]] models_sorted = sorted(model_selection, key=lambda i: i["rmsd_native"]) tag = models_sorted[i - 1]["tag"] elif kind == "tag": tag = model_i elif kind == "top": model_i = int(model_i) # do we need to create a sorted list? if models_sorted is None: models_sorted = sorted(self.models.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["score"]) tag = models_sorted[model_i - 1][0] elif kind == "ntop": model_i = int(model_i) if models_sorted is None: try: models_sorted = sorted(self.models.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["rmsd_native"]) except KeyError: raise SimulationException("get_models: No native rmsd information stored") tag = models_sorted[model_i - 1][0] else: raise SimulationException("get_models: Invalid 'kind' parameter: '%s'" % kind) if tag not in self.models: raise SimulationException("get_models: Invalid tag: '%s'" % tag) results.append(self.models[tag]) return results
[docs] def print_models(self, model_list, kind="tag"): """ Print a list of models :param model_list: see get_models :param kind: see get_models """ models = self.get_models(model_list, kind) for model in models: print "Model: %s" % model["tag"] pprint.pprint(model)
[docs] def get_weighted_model_score(model, score_weights): """ Calculate a model score based on different weights for the invidiual Rosetta scores :param model: model to reweight :param score_weights: dict of rosetta score names and their weights. ``default`` to set the default weight for all scores. Example: ``{'default':0, 'atom_pair_constraint': 1}`` to only use atom pair constraints. """ score = 0 for i in model["rosetta_scores"].keys(): if i == "description": continue score += (score_weights[i] if i in score_weights else (score_weights["default"] if "default" in score_weights else 1)) * model["rosetta_scores"][i] return score
[docs]class RNAPrediction(object): """ Base class used for prediction simulation """ CONFIG_FILE = ".config"
[docs] def load_config(self): """Load simulation configuration of current directory""" if os.path.exists(RNAPrediction.CONFIG_FILE): c = open(RNAPrediction.CONFIG_FILE) self.config = pickle.load(c) c.close()
[docs] def save_config(self): """Save simulation configuration of current directorx""" c = open(RNAPrediction.CONFIG_FILE, "w") pickle.dump(self.config, c) c.close()
[docs] def print_config(self): """Print simulation configuration.""" print "Simulation configuration:" print " path: %s" % (abspath(os.getcwd())) if self.config: for key, value in sorted(self.config.iteritems()): if key == "motif_res_maps" or key == "motif_stem_sets" or key == "motifs" or key == "stems" or key == "evaluate": print " %s: ..." % key else: print " %s: %s" % (key, value) else: print " No configuration found." # TODO: support different data types?
[docs] def modify_config(self, key, value): """ Modify configuration entry. :param key: setting to modify :param value: new value ("-" to store None) """ if key in self.config: self.config[key] = None if value == "-" else value else: raise SimulationException("No such config entry: %s" % key)
[docs] def check_config(self): """Check if current directory contains a valid configuraion.""" if not self.config: raise SimulationException("No config file found. Please run 'prepare' first!")
[docs] def __init__(self, sysconfig): """Create a prediction simulation for the current directory and try to load an existing configuration.""" self.config = {} self.sysconfig = sysconfig self.load_config()
[docs] def execute_command(self, command, add_suffix=None, dry_run=False, print_commands=True, stdin=None, quiet=False): """ Execute an external command. :param command: list of external command and parameters :param add_suffix: type of suffix to first entry in command. currently only ``None`` or ``rosetta`` are supported :param dry_run: don't actually execute anything :param print_commands: print commandline when running :param stdin: optional text to use as standard input :param quiet: hide output of external program """ self.execute_commands([Command(command, add_suffix, dry_run, print_commands, stdin, quiet)])
[docs] def execute_command_and_capture(self, command, add_suffix=None, dry_run=False, print_commands=True, stdin=None, quiet=False): """ Execute an external command while capturing output. :param command: list of external command and parameters :param add_suffix: type of suffix to first entry in command. currently only ``None`` or ``rosetta`` are supported :param dry_run: don't actually execute anything :param print_commands: print commandline when running :param stdin: optional text to use as standard input :param quiet: hide output of external program :return: generator over lines of standard output """ c = Command(command, add_suffix, dry_run, print_commands, stdin, quiet) command = c.get_full_command(self.sysconfig) if print_commands: print " ".join(command) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=(subprocess.PIPE if c.stdin is not None else None), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if c.stdin is not None: p.stdin.write(c.stdin) except OSError, e: raise SimulationException("Failed to execute command: %s, Reason: %s" % (" ".join(c.command), e)) for line in p.stdout: if not quiet: sys.stdout.write(line) yield line p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: raise SimulationException("Non-zero return code from executed command: %s" % " ".join(c.command))
[docs] def execute_commands(self, commands, threads=1): """ Execute a list of commands parallelly. :param commands: list of Commands :param threads: number of parallel invocations """ processes = [] stdout = None try: while True: while commands and len(processes) < threads: c = commands.pop(0) command = c.get_full_command(self.sysconfig) if c.print_commands: print " ".join(command) if not c.dry_run: stdout = None if c.quiet and stdout is None: stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") stderr = stdout try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=(subprocess.PIPE if c.stdin is not None else None), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) # store original command in process p.command = command processes.append(p) if c.stdin is not None: p.stdin.write(c.stdin) except OSError, e: raise SimulationException("Failed to execute command: %s, Reason: %s" % (" ".join(c.command), e)) for p in processes: if p.poll() is not None: processes.remove(p) if p.returncode != 0: raise SimulationException("Non-zero return code from executed command: %s" % " ".join(p.command)) if not processes and not commands: break else: time.sleep(0.1) except: # kill all other processes for p in processes: p.kill() raise finally: if stdout is not None: stdout.close()
@staticmethod def _make_tag_with_dashes(int_vector): """ Transform a list of values into a list of strings while using "n-m" for adjacent values. Example: Turns ``[1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]`` into ``['1-3', '5', '7-8']``. :param int_vector: list of values :return: list of strings """ tag = [] start_res = int_vector[0] for i in range(1, len(int_vector) + 1): if i == len(int_vector) or int_vector[i] != int_vector[i - 1] + 1: stop_res = int_vector[i - 1] if stop_res > start_res: tag += ["%d-%d" % (start_res, stop_res)] else: tag += ["%d" % stop_res] if i < len(int_vector): start_res = int_vector[i] return tag # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_csts(self): """ Returns a list of all constraints. :return: list of all constraints names """ # loop over all constraint sets # that is either files in the "constraints" directory, or directories under "predictions", and always "none" cst_names = ["none"] cst_names += [splitext(basename(cst_file))[0] for cst_file in glob.glob("constraints/*.cst")] cst_names += [basename(cst_dir) for cst_dir in glob.glob("predictions/*")] return sorted(set(cst_names), key=natural_sort_key)
[docs] def prepare(self, fasta_file="sequence.fasta", params_file="secstruct.txt", native_pdb_file=None, data_file=None, torsions_file=None, name=None): """ Preparation step. Parse out stems and motifs from sequence and secondary structure information and create necessary base files. :param fasta_file: fasta file containing the sequence :param params_file: text file containing the secondary structure :param native_pdb_file: native pdb file if available :param data_file: additional data file if available :param torsions_file: additional torsions file if available :param name: optional name for this set of predictions """ if name is None: name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) for f in [fasta_file, params_file, native_pdb_file, data_file, torsions_file]: if f is not None: check_file_existence(f) utils.mkdir_p("constraints") utils.mkdir_p("preparation") utils.mkdir_p("dca") utils.mkdir_p("predictions") self.config["fasta_file"] = fasta_file self.config["params_file"] = params_file self.config["native_pdb_file"] = native_pdb_file self.config["data_file"] = data_file self.config["torsions_file"] = torsions_file self.config["name"] = name print print "Preparation:" # Read in files for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(fasta_file): if line[0] == ">": continue self.config["sequence"] = line.lower() break print self.config["sequence"] numres = len(self.config["sequence"]) # Read in data information self.config["data_info"] = [] if data_file is not None: self.config["backbone_burial_info"] = [] for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(data_file): if len(line) > 6 and line[:6] == 'EXPOSE': cols = string.split(line) for i in range(len(cols) / 3): self.config["data_info"].append([int(cols[3 * i + 1]), cols[3 * i + 2], cols[3 * i + 3]]) if len(line) > 15 and line[:15] == 'BACKBONE_BURIAL': cols = string.split(line) for i in range(1, len(cols)): self.config["backbone_burial_info"].append(int(cols[i])) pair_map = {} all_pairs = [] complement = {'a': ['u'], 'u': ['a', 'g'], 'c': ['g'], 'g': ['c', 'u']} # Parse out stems basepair_mismatch = [] cutpoints_original = [] for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(params_file): if line[:4] == 'STEM': cols = string.split(line) for i in range(len(cols)): if cols[i] == 'PAIR': # Offset to get to python numbering (starts with zero) res1 = int(cols[i + 1]) - 1 res2 = int(cols[i + 2]) - 1 pair_map[res1] = res2 pair_map[res2] = res1 all_pairs.append([res1, res2]) # check if the secondary structure watson-crick pair is allowed if not self.config["sequence"][res1] in complement[self.config["sequence"][res2]]: basepair_mismatch += [[res1, res2]] elif line.count('(') > 0: # maybe dot/bracket notation (((...))) print line self.config["secstruc"] = line left_brackets = [] for i in range(len(line)): if line[i] == '(': left_brackets.append(i) if line[i] == ')': res1 = left_brackets[-1] res2 = i del (left_brackets[-1]) pair_map[res1] = res2 pair_map[res2] = res1 all_pairs.append([res1, res2]) # check if the secondary structure watson-crick pair is allowed if not self.config["sequence"][res1] in complement[self.config["sequence"][res2]]: basepair_mismatch += [[res1, res2]] if left_brackets: raise SimulationException("unbalanced paranthesis in secondary structure") else: cols = string.split(line) res1 = int(cols[0]) - 1 res2 = int(cols[1]) - 1 pair_map[res1] = res2 pair_map[res2] = res1 all_pairs.append([res1, res2]) # check if the secondary structure watson-crick pair is allowed if not self.config["sequence"][res1] in complement[self.config["sequence"][res2]]: basepair_mismatch += [[res1, res2]] if line[:13] == 'CUTPOINT_OPEN': cutpoints_original = map(lambda x: int(x), string.split(line[14:])) # print all helix pairs that don't fit the allowed complements if basepair_mismatch: basepair_mismatch_str = [" "] * len(self.config["sequence"]) for r in basepair_mismatch: basepair_mismatch_str[r[0]] = "^" basepair_mismatch_str[r[1]] = "^" print "".join(basepair_mismatch_str) # more verbose: for r in basepair_mismatch: res1 = r[0] res2 = r[1] resstr1 = str(res1 + 1) + self.config["sequence"][res1] resstr2 = str(res2 + 1) + self.config["sequence"][res2] print " " * res1 + "^" + " " * (res2 - res1 - 1) + "^" print " " * res1 + resstr1 + " " * (res2 - res1 - len(resstr1)) + resstr2 raise SimulationException("some helix pairs in secondary structure cannot be realized (see above)") # print pair_map # Parse out stems already_in_stem = {} for i in range(numres): already_in_stem[i] = 0 self.config["stems"] = [] for i in range(numres): if i in pair_map and not already_in_stem[i]: # In a base pair k = i stem_res = [[k, pair_map[k]]] already_in_stem[k] = 1 already_in_stem[pair_map[k]] = 1 # Can we extend in one direction? while (k + 1) in pair_map and pair_map[k + 1] == pair_map[k] - 1 and not already_in_stem[k + 1]: k += 1 stem_res.append([k, pair_map[k]]) already_in_stem[k] = 1 already_in_stem[pair_map[k]] = 1 # Do not allow single WC base pairs. if len(stem_res) < 2: print 'All stems must have length > 1 bp ' print stem_res exit() self.config["stems"].append(stem_res) # Parse out motifs already_in_motif = {} for i in range(numres): already_in_motif[i] = 0 motif_cutpoints = [] self.config["motif_res_maps"] = [] self.config["motif_stem_sets"] = [] self.config["motifs"] = [] for i in range(numres): if not already_in_motif[i] and (not already_in_stem[i] or (i > 0 and already_in_stem[i - 1] and pair_map[i] + 1 != pair_map[i - 1])): motif_res = [] motif_stem_set = [] cutpoints = [] if i > 1: # back up to beginning of stem. k = i - 1 # first base pair. motif_stem = [[k, pair_map[k]]] motif_res.append(k) motif_res.append(pair_map[k]) k -= 1 while k >= 0 and already_in_stem[k] and \ (pair_map[k] - 1 == pair_map[k + 1]): motif_stem.append([k, pair_map[k]]) motif_res.append(k) motif_res.append(pair_map[k]) k -= 1 motif_stem_set.append(motif_stem) k += 1 cutpoints.append(pair_map[k]) # print 'AFTER FIRST HELIX: ', motif_res k = i while k not in motif_res and k < numres: # Move forward to next stem: while k < numres and not already_in_stem[k]: if already_in_motif[k]: print 'Hey cant deal with pseudoknots!' exit() motif_res.append(k) k += 1 stem_start = k if k >= numres: cutpoints.append(k - 1) break if k in motif_res: break motif_stem = [[k, pair_map[k]]] motif_res.append(k) motif_res.append(pair_map[k]) k += 1 while k < numres and already_in_stem[k] and pair_map[k - 1] == pair_map[k] + 1 and k not in motif_res: motif_stem.append([k, pair_map[k]]) motif_res.append(k) motif_res.append(pair_map[k]) k += 1 motif_stem_set.append(motif_stem) cutpoints.append(k - 1) # Next non-helical part.. k = pair_map[stem_start] + 1 # print 'AFTER NEXT HELIX: ', motif_res motif_res.sort() motif_res_map = {} for k in range(len(motif_res)): motif_res_map[motif_res[k]] = k already_in_motif[motif_res[k]] = 1 self.config["motifs"].append(motif_res) self.config["motif_stem_sets"].append(motif_stem_set) motif_cutpoints.append(cutpoints) self.config["motif_res_maps"].append(motif_res_map) # print 'CUTPOINTS ', cutpoints for i in range(len(self.config["stems"])): # Fasta tag = 'preparation/stem%d.fasta' % (i + 1) fid = open(tag, 'w') fid.write('>' + tag + '\n') stem_res = self.config["stems"][i] stem_length = len(stem_res) for k in range(stem_length): fid.write(self.config["sequence"][stem_res[k][0]]) # print stem_res[k][0]+1, for k in range(stem_length): fid.write(self.config["sequence"][stem_res[stem_length - k - 1][1]]) # print stem_res[stem_length-k-1][1]+1, # print fid.write('\n') fid.close() print 'Created: ', tag # pdb_file if native_pdb_file is not None: command = ["", native_pdb_file, "-segment", "%d" % (stem_res[0][0] + 1), "%d" % (stem_res[-1][0] + 1), "%d" % (stem_res[-1][-1] + 1), "%d" % (stem_res[0][-1] + 1), "preparation/stem%d_" % (i + 1)] self.execute_command(command) native_pdb_file_subset = 'preparation/stem%d_%s' % (i + 1, native_pdb_file) print 'Created: ', native_pdb_file_subset # Output motif jobs for i in range(len(self.config["motifs"])): # Fasta motif_fasta_file = 'preparation/motif%d.fasta' % (i + 1) fid = open(motif_fasta_file, 'w') fid.write('>' + motif_fasta_file + '\n') motif_res = self.config["motifs"][i] motif_length = len(motif_res) for k in range(motif_length): fid.write(self.config["sequence"][motif_res[k]]) fid.write('\n') fid.close() print 'Created: ', motif_fasta_file # params file motif_stem_set = self.config["motif_stem_sets"][i] motif_res_map = self.config["motif_res_maps"][i] motif_cutpoint = motif_cutpoints[i] motif_params_file = 'preparation/motif%d.params' % (i + 1) fid = open(motif_params_file, 'w') for k in range(len(motif_stem_set)): motif_stem = motif_stem_set[k] fid.write('STEM ') for n in range(len(motif_stem)): fid.write(' PAIR %d %d W W A' % (motif_res_map[motif_stem[n][0]] + 1, motif_res_map[motif_stem[n][1]] + 1)) fid.write('\n') fid.write('OBLIGATE PAIR %d %d W W A \n\n' % (motif_res_map[motif_stem[-1][0]] + 1, motif_res_map[motif_stem[-1][1]] + 1)) motif_cutpoint.sort() # print motif_res # print motif_cutpoint if len(motif_cutpoint) > 1: fid.write('CUTPOINT_OPEN ') for k in range(len(motif_cutpoint)): if motif_res_map[motif_cutpoint[k]] < (len(motif_res) - 1): fid.write(' %d' % (motif_res_map[motif_cutpoint[k]] + 1)) fid.write('\n') fid.close() print 'Created: ', motif_params_file # pdb_file if native_pdb_file is not None: command = ["", native_pdb_file, "-subset"] for k in range(motif_length): command += ["%d" % (motif_res[k] + 1)] command += ["preparation/motif%d_" % (i + 1)] self.execute_command(command) native_pdb_file_subset = 'preparation/motif%d_%s' % (i + 1, native_pdb_file) print 'Created: ', native_pdb_file_subset if data_file is not None: motif_data_file = 'preparation/' % (i + 1) fid_data = open(motif_data_file, 'w') fid_data.write('EXPOSE') for data in self.config["data_info"]: if data[0] - 1 in motif_res_map.keys(): fid_data.write(' %d %s %s ' % (motif_res_map[data[0] - 1] + 1, data[1], data[2])) fid_data.write('\n') if len(self.config["backbone_burial_info"]) > 0: fid_data.write('BACKBONE_BURIAL ') for k in self.config["backbone_burial_info"]: if k - 1 in motif_res_map.keys(): fid_data.write(' %d' % (motif_res_map[k - 1] + 1)) fid_data.write('\n') fid_data.close() print 'Created: ', motif_data_file if len(cutpoints_original) > 0: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable fid.write('CUTPOINT_OPEN ') for cutpoint in cutpoints_original: fid.write(' %d' % (cutpoint + 1)) fid.write('\n') cutpoints = [] for i in range(len(self.config["motifs"])): motif_stem_set = self.config["motif_stem_sets"][i] motif_stem = motif_stem_set[0] possible_cutpoints = [motif_stem[0][0], motif_stem[1][1]] possible_cutpoints.sort() # print possible_cutpoints if possible_cutpoints[0] not in cutpoints: cutpoints.append(possible_cutpoints[0]) params_file = "preparation/sequence.params" fid = open(params_file, 'w') if len(cutpoints) > 0: fid.write('CUTPOINT_CLOSED ') # cutpoints.sort() for cutpoint in cutpoints: fid.write(' %d' % (cutpoint + 1)) fid.write('\n') # for cutpoint in cutpoints: # fid.write( 'OBLIGATE PAIR %d %d W W A\n' % (cutpoint+1, pair_map[cutpoint]+1) ) for i in range(len(self.config["stems"])): stem_res = self.config["stems"][i] fid.write('STEM ') for k in range(len(stem_res)): fid.write(' PAIR %d %d W W A ' % (stem_res[k][0] + 1, stem_res[k][1] + 1)) fid.write('\n') fid.write('OBLIGATE PAIR %d %d W W A \n\n' % (stem_res[-1][0] + 1, stem_res[-1][1] + 1)) fid.close() print 'Created: ', params_file # default cutpoint constraints assemble_cst_file = "preparation/cutpoints.cst" fid = open(assemble_cst_file, 'w') fid.write('[ atompairs ]\n') for cutpoint in cutpoints: fid.write("O3' %d P %d HARMONIC 1.619 2.0\n" % (cutpoint + 1, cutpoint + 2)) fid.close() print 'Created: ', assemble_cst_file
[docs] def create_helices(self, dry_run=False, threads=1): """ Helix creation step. Create one ideal helix model for each helix. :param dry_run: don't actually run any external command :param threads: number of threads to use """ self.check_config() commands = list() delete_glob("preparation/stem*.out") for i in range(len(self.config["stems"])): command = ["rna_helix", "-fasta", "preparation/stem%d.fasta" % (i + 1), "-out:file:silent", "preparation/stem%d.out" % (i + 1)] commands.append(Command(command, add_suffix="rosetta", dry_run=dry_run)) self.execute_commands(commands, threads=threads) # rna_helix dumps <sequence>.pdb files in the working directory. # These can be useful for us, so move them to the preparation directory with a proper stemX.pdb filename. # TODO: What happens if there are multiple helices with the same sequence? In that case we need to move them # out of the way before running the next command. # Just disable multithreading here (not really needed with stem generation anyways)? for i in range(len(self.config["stems"])): sequence = [self.config["sequence"][j[0]] for j in self.config["stems"][i]] sequence += [self.config["sequence"][j[1]] for j in reversed(self.config["stems"][i])] shutil.move("%s.pdb" % ("".join(sequence)), "preparation/stem%d.pdb" % (i + 1))
[docs] def parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints): """ Find and clean up constraints by name or filename :param constraints: constraints name or filename :return: tuple of constraints name and filename """ if constraints is None or constraints == "none": cst_name = "none" cst_file = None elif os.path.isfile(constraints): cst_file = constraints cst_name = splitext(basename(cst_file))[0] else: constraints = basename(constraints) cst_name, cst_ext = splitext(constraints) if cst_ext != ".cst": cst_name = constraints cst_file = "constraints/%s.cst" % cst_name check_file_existence(cst_file) return cst_name, cst_file
[docs] def parse_cst_file(constraints_file): """ Parse .cst file as a list of constraints :param constraints_file: path to a .cst file :return: list of constraints """ cst_info = [] for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(constraints_file): if len(line) > 6 and line[0] != '[': cols = string.split(line) atom_name1 = cols[0] res1 = int(cols[1]) atom_name2 = cols[2] res2 = int(cols[3]) cst_info.append([atom_name1, res1, atom_name2, res2, cols[4:]]) return cst_info
[docs] def prepare_cst(self, constraints=None, motifs_override=None): """ Constraints preparation step. Prepare constraints files for motif generation and assembly. :param constraints: constraints selection :param motifs_override: optional name of a different set of constraints to use as motifs. """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) print "Constraints preparation:" print " constraints: %s" % cst_name dir_prediction = "predictions/%s" % cst_name dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_motifs = "predictions/%s/motifs" % cst_name if motifs_override: motifcst_name, motifcst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(motifs_override) print " motif constraints: %s" % motifcst_name if motifcst_name == cst_name: raise SimulationException("Motif override cst name can't be the same as the cst name!") utils.mkdir_p("predictions/%s" % cst_name) utils.mkdir_p(dir_assembly) if motifs_override: # TODO: just make all that stuff a cst config file # create MOTIF_OVERRIDE file and store the cst name of the motifs file_motif_override = "%s/MOTIF_OVERRIDE" % dir_prediction with open(file_motif_override, "w") as f: f.write(motifcst_name) # assembly constraints: start with default harmonic cutpoints assembly_cst = "%s/assembly.cst" % dir_assembly shutil.copy("preparation/cutpoints.cst", assembly_cst) print "Created: %s" % assembly_cst # if cst is "none" we are done now if cst_file is None: return # load constraints information cst_info = self.parse_cst_file(cst_file) # probably wrong, commented out for now! # cst_info = fix_atom_names_in_cst(cst_info, self.config["sequence"]) # add tertiary constraints with open(assembly_cst, "a") as ft: for cst in cst_info: ft.write('%s %d %s %d %s \n' % (cst[0], cst[1], cst[2], cst[3], " ".join(map(str, cst[4])))) print "Added tertiary constraints: %s" % assembly_cst # extract relevant constraints for motif generation from global cst file if necessary if not motifs_override: utils.mkdir_p(dir_motifs) for i in range(len(self.config["motifs"])): motif_res_map = self.config["motif_res_maps"][i] motif_cst_file = '%s/motif%d.cst' % (dir_motifs, i + 1) fid_cst = open(motif_cst_file, 'w') fid_cst.write('[ atompairs ]\n') for cst in cst_info: if cst[1] - 1 in motif_res_map.keys() and cst[3] - 1 in motif_res_map.keys(): fid_cst.write('%s %d %s %d %s\n' % (cst[0], motif_res_map[cst[1] - 1] + 1, cst[2], motif_res_map[cst[3] - 1] + 1, " ".join(map(str, cst[4])))) fid_cst.close() print 'Created: ', motif_cst_file
[docs] def get_status(self, constraints=None, include_evaluation_data=False, include_motif_model_count=False, include_assembly_model_count=False): """ Returns a dict containing status information for a cst. :param constraints: constraints selection :param include_motif_model_count: set to True to include model count (longer processing time) :param include_assembly_model_count: set to True to include model count (longer processing time) :param include_evaluation_data: set to True to include evaluation model count and native RMSD values (best of first 1,5,10 clusters) if available (longer processing time) :return: status dict """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) dir_prediction = "predictions/%s" % cst_name dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_motifs = "predictions/%s/motifs" % cst_name dir_output = "predictions/%s/output" % cst_name file_motifoverride = dir_prediction + "/MOTIF_OVERRIDE" file_evaldata = "%s/evaldata.dat" % dir_output res = {"step_preparation_done": os.path.isfile(dir_assembly + "/assembly.cst"), "step_motifs_done": bool(glob.glob(dir_motifs + "/*.out")), "step_motifs_overridden": None, "step_assembly_done": bool(glob.glob(dir_assembly + "/*.out")), "step_evaluation_done": os.path.isfile(file_evaldata)} if os.path.isfile(file_motifoverride): with open(file_motifoverride, "r") as f: res["step_motifs_overridden"] = # evaluation data if include_evaluation_data: res["evaluation_rmsd_native"] = None res["evaluation_model_count"] = None try: eval_data = EvalData.load_from_cst(cst_name) res["evaluation_model_count"] = eval_data.get_model_count() if "rmsd_native" in next(eval_data.models.itervalues()): res["evaluation_rmsd_native"] = [m["rmsd_native"] for m in eval_data.get_models(["1/1", "1/5", "1/10"], kind="cluster_ntop")] except SimulationException: pass # motif model count if include_motif_model_count: res["model_count_motifs"] = {i: sum(map(get_model_count_in_silent_file, glob.glob("%s/motif%d*.out" % (dir_motifs, i)))) for i in xrange(1, len(self.config["motifs"]) + 1)} # assembly model count if include_assembly_model_count: res["model_count_assembly"] = sum(map(get_model_count_in_silent_file, (glob.glob("%s/assembly_*.out" % dir_assembly)))) return res
[docs] def create_motifs(self, nstruct=50000, cycles=20000, dry_run=False, seed=None, use_native_information=False, threads=1, constraints=None, motif_subset=None): """ Motif generation step. Generate models for each motif. :param nstruct: number of models to create for each motif :param cycles: number of monte-carlo cycles per model :param dry_run: don't actually run any external command :param seed: optionally override random seed :param use_native_information: use native pdb file to calculate rmsd for each model :param threads: number of threads to use :param constraints: constraints selection :param motif_subset: sepcify a list of motifs to generate instead of all, counting starts at 1 (i.e. [1, 3, 4]) """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) print "Motif creation configuration:" print " constraints: %s" % cst_name print " cycles: %s" % cycles print " nstruct: %s" % nstruct print " dry_run: %s" % dry_run print " random_seed: %s" % seed print " threads: %s" % threads if motif_subset is not None: print " subset: %s" % motif_subset dir_motifs = "predictions/%s/motifs" % cst_name utils.mkdir_p("predictions/%s" % cst_name) utils.mkdir_p(dir_motifs) n_motifs = len(self.config["motifs"]) # list of motifs that we should generate models for # when no subset was given create models for all motifs if motif_subset is None: motif_subset = [i + 1 for i in range(n_motifs)] else: # remove duplicates if any motif_subset = list(set(motif_subset)) # make sure that all the numbers actually exist if max(motif_subset) > n_motifs: raise SimulationException("Invalid motif subset. Structure only contains %d motifs." % n_motifs) # check if motif constraints were created correctly if cst_file is not None: for i in motif_subset: check_file_existence("%s/motif%d.cst" % (dir_motifs, i), "Motif cst files not found. Please run the 'prepare-cst' step!") # merge all motifs and check what we have so far completed = {} for i in motif_subset: completed[i] = merge_silent_files("%s/motif%d.out" % (dir_motifs, i), "%s/motif%d_*.out" % (dir_motifs, i)) commands = list() for i in motif_subset: # split the rest of the work in multiple jobs structs_missing = nstruct - completed[i] print "motif %d: completed: %d missing: %d" % (i, completed[i], structs_missing) if structs_missing <= 0: continue structs_threads = [0 for _ in range(threads)] for j in range(threads): structs_threads[j] = structs_missing / threads for j in range(structs_missing % threads): structs_threads[j] += 1 command = ["rna_denovo", "-fasta", "preparation/motif%d.fasta" % i, "-params_file", "preparation/motif%d.params" % i, "-cycles", "%d" % cycles, "-mute", "all", "-close_loops", "-close_loops_after_each_move", "-minimize_rna"] if cst_file is not None: command += ["-cst_file", '%s/motif%d.cst' % (dir_motifs, i)] if self.config["native_pdb_file"] is not None and use_native_information: command += ["-native", "preparation/motif%d_%s" % (i, self.config["native_pdb_file"])] if self.config["data_file"] is not None: command += ["-data_file", "preparation/" % i] if self.config["torsions_file"] is not None: command += ["-vall_torsions", "preparation/motif%d.torsions" % i] which_stems = [] stem_chunk_res = [] motif_stem_set = self.config["motif_stem_sets"][i - 1] motif_res_map = self.config["motif_res_maps"][i - 1] for k in range(len(motif_stem_set)): motif_stem = motif_stem_set[k] # need to find in stems for n in range(len(self.config["stems"])): stem = self.config["stems"][n] found_match = 0 for q in range(len(stem)): if motif_stem[0][0] in stem[q]: found_match = 1 break if found_match: which_stems.append(n) break for q in range(len(stem)): stem_chunk_res.append(motif_res_map[stem[q][0]] + 1) for q in range(len(stem)): stem_chunk_res.append(motif_res_map[stem[len(stem) - q - 1][1]] + 1) command += ["-in:file:silent_struct_type", "rna", "-in:file:silent"] for n in which_stems: command += ["preparation/stem%d.out" % (n + 1)] command += ["-in:file:input_res"] command += self._make_tag_with_dashes(stem_chunk_res) for j in range(threads): if structs_threads[j] == 0: continue command_full = command + ["-out:file:silent", "%s/motif%d_%d.out" % (dir_motifs, i, j + 1), "-nstruct", "%d" % (structs_threads[j])] if seed is not None: command_full += ["-constant_seed", "-jran", "%d" % seed] seed += 1 commands.append(Command(command_full, add_suffix="rosetta", dry_run=dry_run)) self.execute_commands(commands, threads=threads) # merge motifs for i in motif_subset: merge_silent_files("%s/motif%d.out" % (dir_motifs, i), "%s/motif%d_*.out" % (dir_motifs, i))
[docs] def assemble(self, nstruct=50000, cycles=20000, constraints=None, dry_run=False, seed=None, use_native_information=False, threads=1): """ Assembly step. Assemble helices and motifs into complete models. :param nstruct: number of models to create :param cycles: number of monte-carlo cycles per model :param constraints: constraints selection :param dry_run: don't actually run any external command :param seed: optionally override random seed :param use_native_information: use native pdb file to calculate rmsd for each model :param threads: number of threads to use """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) print "Assembly configuration:" print " constraints: %s" % cst_name print " cycles: %s" % cycles print " nstruct: %s" % nstruct print " dry_run: %s" % dry_run print " random_seed: %s" % seed # Check if a different set of motifs should be used. file_motif_override = "predictions/%s/MOTIF_OVERRIDE" % cst_name if os.path.isfile(file_motif_override): with open(file_motif_override, "r") as f: motifcst_name = print " using motifs: %s" % motifcst_name else: motifcst_name = cst_name dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_motifs = "predictions/%s/motifs" % motifcst_name file_assembly_cst = "%s/assembly.cst" % dir_assembly check_file_existence(file_assembly_cst, "Preparation incomplete. Please run 'prepare-cst'.") check_file_existence("%s/motif1.out" % dir_motifs, "Motifs not found. Please run 'create-motifs'.") commands = list() command = ["rna_denovo", "-minimize_rna", "-fasta", self.config["fasta_file"], "-in:file:silent_struct_type", "binary_rna", "-cycles", "%d" % cycles, "-params_file", "preparation/sequence.params", "-close_loops", "-in:file:silent"] for i in range(len(self.config["stems"])): command += ["preparation/stem%d.out" % (i + 1)] for i in range(len(self.config["motifs"])): command += ["%s/motif%d.out" % (dir_motifs, i + 1)] if cst_file is not None: command += ["-cst_file", file_assembly_cst] chunk_res = [] for n in range(len(self.config["stems"])): stem = self.config["stems"][n] for q in range(len(stem)): chunk_res.append(stem[q][0] + 1) for q in range(len(stem)): chunk_res.append(stem[len(stem) - q - 1][1] + 1) for n in range(len(self.config["motifs"])): motif_res = self.config["motifs"][n] for m in motif_res: chunk_res.append(m + 1) command += ["-in:file:input_res"] command += self._make_tag_with_dashes(chunk_res) if self.config["native_pdb_file"] is not None and use_native_information: command += ["-native", self.config["native_pdb_file"]] if self.config["torsions_file"] is not None: command += ["-vall_torsions", self.config["torsions_file"]] if self.config["data_file"] is not None: command += ["-data_file", self.config["data_file"]] # distribute nstruct among threads structs_threads = [0 for _ in range(threads)] for j in range(threads): structs_threads[j] = nstruct / threads for j in range(nstruct % threads): structs_threads[j] += 1 for j in range(threads): if structs_threads[j] == 0: continue # In case no seed is specified, we do what rosetta does to get a random number, and seed it with that. # This way we know the number beforehand and can choose an appropriate output filename. # In case a seed was specified, we increment it here with the thread number. if seed is None: seed_used = struct.unpack("=i", os.urandom(4))[0] else: seed_used = seed + j command_full = command + ["-out:file:silent", "%s/assembly_%d.out" % (dir_assembly, seed_used), "-constant_seed", "-jran", "%d" % seed_used, "--nstruct", "%d" % structs_threads[j]] commands.append(Command(command_full, add_suffix="rosetta", dry_run=dry_run)) self.execute_commands(commands, threads=threads) # TODO: set the cutoff value back to 4.0? It was set to 4.1 because the old bash script used integer comparison and even 4.09 was treated as 4.0
[docs] def evaluate(self, constraints=None, cluster_limit=10, cluster_cutoff=4.1, full_evaluation=False): """ Evaluation step. Extract model information, cluster models and calculate rmsd values. :param constraints: constraints selection :param cluster_limit: maximum number of clusters to produce :param cluster_cutoff: rmsd distance in A at which a new cluster is created :param full_evaluation: discard existing evaluation data, re-extract model information and re-calculate rmsd values. """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) print "Evaluation configuration:" print " constraints: %s" % cst_name print " cluster_limit: %s" % cluster_limit print " cluster_cutoff: %s" % cluster_cutoff dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_output = "predictions/%s/output" % cst_name dir_tmp = "predictions/%s/temp" % cst_name file_evaldata = "%s/evaldata.dat" % dir_output if not os.path.isdir("predictions/%s" % cst_name): raise SimulationException("No prediction directory for constraint '%s' found! Maybe you should assemble first?" % cst_name) files_assembly = sorted(glob.glob("%s/assembly_*.out" % dir_assembly), key=natural_sort_key) if len(files_assembly) == 0: raise SimulationException("No assembly files for constraint '%s' found! Maybe you should assemble first?" % cst_name) if not full_evaluation: if not os.path.isdir(dir_output) or not os.path.isfile(file_evaldata): # first time, silently do a full eval full_evaluation = True else: try: eval_data = EvalData.load_from_file(file_evaldata) except SimulationException: # file broken or missing, force full evaluation print "Warning: %s missing or broken, running full evaluation." % file_evaldata full_evaluation = True print " full_evaluation: %s" % full_evaluation # cleanup if full_evaluation: delete_glob(dir_output) delete_glob(dir_tmp) # create empty evaluation data eval_data = EvalData() else: # clean out old cluster information from models for model in eval_data.models.itervalues(): if "cluster" in model: del model["cluster"] eval_data.clusters = {} delete_glob(dir_output + os.sep + "*.pdb") delete_glob(dir_output + os.sep + "*.out") utils.mkdir_p(dir_output) utils.mkdir_p(dir_tmp) # extract info from .out files if full_evaluation: # store all the rosetta scores in a dict scores_headers = None # loop over all out files matching the constraint for i, f in enumerate(files_assembly): print "processing rosetta silent file: %s..." % f # read out file and store a dict of the scores and the full score line regex_score = re.compile("^SCORE:\s+(.*)$") for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(f): m = regex_score.match(line) if m: # split rosetta score entries into a list scores = # store the header names if not already known if scores[-1] == "description": if not scores_headers: scores_headers = scores continue # create a score dict scores_dict = {} for s_index, s_name in enumerate(scores_headers): # store float values as float try: scores_dict[scores_headers[s_index]] = float(scores[s_index]) except ValueError: scores_dict[scores_headers[s_index]] = scores[s_index] # name models exactly like rosetta would (that is, append _<num> when already present) j = 1 tag = scores_dict["description"] while tag in eval_data.models: tag = "%s_%d" % (scores_dict["description"], j) j += 1 eval_data.models[tag] = {"source_file": basename(f), "score": scores_dict["score"], "tag": tag, "tag_source": scores_dict["description"], "rosetta_scores": scores_dict} # clustering eval_data.cluster_cutoff = cluster_cutoff print "clustering models..." filename_clusters = "%s/clusters.out" % dir_output sys.stdout.write(" ") regex_clusters = re.compile("^.*RNA_PREDICT (old|new) cluster ([0-9]+) score ([-0-9.]+) model (S_[0-9_]+)$") for line in self.execute_command_and_capture(["rna_cluster", "-in:file:silent"] + files_assembly + ["-cluster:radius", "%s" % cluster_cutoff, "-nstruct", str(cluster_limit), "-out:file:silent", filename_clusters], add_suffix="rosetta", quiet=True): m = regex_clusters.match(line) if m: eval_data.models[]["cluster"] = int( if == "new": eval_data.clusters[int(] = {"primary_model":} print " %s cluster: %02s, model: %-10s, score: %.3f" % ("new" if == "new" else " ",,, float( # extract cluster pdbs print "extracting cluster decoy pdbs..." owd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(dir_output) self.execute_command(["rna_extract", "-in:file:silent", basename(filename_clusters), "-in:file:silent_struct_type", "rna"], add_suffix="rosetta") finally: os.chdir(owd) # loop over all extracted pdb files for i, fe in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob("%s/S_*.pdb" % dir_output), key=natural_sort_key)): shutil.move(fe, "%s/cluster_%d.pdb" % (dir_output, i + 1)) # rmsdcalc helper function # noinspection PyShadowingNames def calculate_rmsd(name, filename_comparison): # calculate native rmsd values for all models if native pdb available filename_tmp = "%s/rmsd.out" % dir_tmp print "caluculating rmsd values to %s for all models..." % name sys.stdout.write(" ") regex_rmsd = re.compile("^All atom rmsd over moving residues: (S_[0-9_]+) ([-0-9.]+)$") for line in self.execute_command_and_capture(["rna_score", "-in:file:silent"] + files_assembly + ["-in:file:native", filename_comparison, "-score:just_calc_rmsd", "-out:file:silent", filename_tmp], add_suffix="rosetta", quiet=True): m = regex_rmsd.match(line) if m: print, eval_data.models[]["rmsd_%s" % name] = float( delete_glob(filename_tmp, print_notice=False) # only calculate rmsds if full_evalation is needed or wanted if full_evaluation: # calculate rmsd to native structure if native pdb available if self.config["native_pdb_file"] is not None: calculate_rmsd("native", self.config["native_pdb_file"]) # calculate rmsd to best model calculate_rmsd("cluster_1", "%s/cluster_1.pdb" % dir_output) # save evaluation data eval_data.save_to_file(file_evaldata)
[docs] def evaluate_custom(self, constraints=None, dca_prediction_filename="dca/dca.txt", full_evaluation=False, threshold=7.5, radius=2, number_dca_predictions=100, threads=4): """ Custom scoring algorithmy by inspecting neighboring residues of dca contact pairs :param constraints: constraints selection :param dca_prediction_filename: dca filename :param full_evaluation: discard existing evaluation data and extracted models, re-extract and re-calculate distance information :param threshold: threshold in A to count a contact :param radius: number of adjacent residues to inspect :param number_dca_predictions: maximum number of DCA predictions to use :param threads: number of threads to use for extraction """ self.check_config() cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) print "Evaluation configuration:" print " constraints: %s" % cst_name print " dca_file: %s" % dca_prediction_filename print " dca_count: %s" % number_dca_predictions print " threshold: %f" % threshold print " radius: %s" % radius dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_output = "predictions/%s/output" % cst_name dir_tmp = "predictions/%s/temp" % cst_name file_evaldata = "%s/evaldata.dat" % dir_output file_matrices = "%s/matrices.dat" % dir_tmp files_assembly = sorted(glob.glob("%s/assembly_*.out" % dir_assembly), key=natural_sort_key) try: eval_data = EvalData.load_from_file(file_evaldata) except SimulationException: raise SimulationException("Normal --evaluate step needs to be run before --evaluate-custom.") slen = len(self.config["sequence"]) utils.mkdir_p(dir_output) utils.mkdir_p(dir_tmp) extract = full_evaluation build_matrices = full_evaluation # check if we can use existing data if not build_matrices: # try to load existing distance matrix print "loading existing distance matrices..." try: with open(file_matrices, "r") as f: distance_matrices = pickle.load(f) except (IOError, pickle.PickleError, AttributeError, EOFError, IndexError, KeyError): print "error loading existing matrices. forcing rebuild..." build_matrices = True # check if we need to extract pdb files if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s.pdb" % (dir_tmp, next(eval_data.models.iterkeys()))): print "no extraced pdb files found. forcing extraction..." extract = True # extract all pdb files to temp dir if extract: delete_glob(dir_tmp) print "extracing pdb files..." commands = [] for f in files_assembly: commands.append(Command(["rna_extract", "-in:file:silent", f, "-in:file:silent_struct_type", "rna", "-out:prefix", dir_tmp + os.sep + splitext(basename(f))[0] + "_"], add_suffix="rosetta")) self.execute_commands(commands, threads=threads) for model in eval_data.models.itervalues(): shutil.move(dir_tmp + os.sep + splitext(basename(model["source_file"]))[0] + "_" + model["tag_source"] + ".pdb", dir_tmp + os.sep + model["tag"] + ".pdb") # build residue distance matrix for all models if build_matrices: delete_glob(file_matrices) print "building matrices for %d models..." % len(eval_data.models) distance_matrices = {} x = 1 for model in eval_data.models.itervalues(): matrix = np.zeros([len(self.config["sequence"]), len(self.config["sequence"])]) chain = pdbtools.parse_pdb("", dir_tmp + os.sep + model["tag"] + ".pdb")[0].child_list[0] for i in range(2, slen + 1): for j in range(2, slen + 1): if j == i: continue matrix[i - 1][j - 1] = chain[i]["P"] - chain[j]["P"] distance_matrices[model["tag"]] = matrix if x % 10 == 0: sys.stdout.write("%d..." % x) sys.stdout.flush() x += 1 if x % 10 != 0: print "%x..." % x print "done." with open(file_matrices, "w") as f: pickle.dump(distance_matrices, f) # calculate scores print "calculating scores..." dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(dca_prediction_filename) for model in eval_data.models.itervalues(): score_custom = 0 matrix = distance_matrices[model["tag"]] c_count = 0 for contact in dca: c_count += 1 if c_count > number_dca_predictions: break found = False for i in range(-radius, radius + 1): if contact.res1 + i < 1 or contact.res1 + i > slen: continue for j in range(-radius, radius + 1): if contact.res2 + j < 1 or contact.res2 + j > slen: continue if abs(contact.res1 + i - contact.res2 - j) <= 3: continue if matrix[contact.res1 + i - 1][contact.res2 + j - 1] < threshold: found = True score_custom -= 1 break if found: break print "model: %-11s, score: %8.3f, score_custom: %3d" % (model["tag"], model["score"], score_custom) model["score_custom"] = score_custom eval_data.save_to_file(file_evaldata) # returns the path to the extracted pdb file
[docs] def extract_pdb(self, constraints, model): """ Extract PDB file of a model to the tmp directory. :param constraints: constraints selection :param model: tag of the model :return: path to the extracted PDB file """ cst_name, cst_file = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) dir_assembly = "predictions/%s/assembly" % cst_name dir_tmp = "predictions/%s/temp" % cst_name prefix = dir_tmp + os.path.sep + "tmp_" pdbfile = "%s/%s.pdb" % (dir_tmp, model["tag"]) self.execute_command(["rna_extract", "-in:file:silent", "%s/%s" % (dir_assembly, model["source_file"]), "-out:prefix", prefix, "-tags", model["tag_source"]], add_suffix="rosetta", quiet=True) shutil.move("%s/tmp_%s.pdb" % (dir_tmp, model["tag_source"]), pdbfile) return pdbfile
[docs] def get_models(constraints, model_list, kind="tag"): """ Returns a selection of models with specific properties :param constraints: constraints selection :param model_list: see EvalData.print_models :param kind: see EvalData.get_models """ return EvalData.load_from_cst(constraints).get_models(model_list=model_list, kind=kind)
[docs] def print_models(constraints, model_list, kind="tag"): """ Print a set of models :param constraints: constraints selection :param model_list: see EvalData.print_models :param kind: see EvalData.print_models """ EvalData.load_from_cst(constraints).print_models(model_list=model_list, kind=kind)
[docs] def extract_models(self, constraints, model_list, kind="tag"): """ Extract PDB files of a set of models :param constraints: constraints selection :param model_list: see EvalData.print_models :param kind: see EvalData.print_models """ for model in EvalData.load_from_cst(constraints).get_models(model_list=model_list, kind=kind): pdbfile = self.extract_pdb(constraints, model) print "Extracted: %s" % pdbfile # TODO: include mapping_mode?
@staticmethod def _create_constraints_output_filename(input_filename, output_filename, cst_function, number_dca_predictions=None, output_format="%n_%f"): """ Create a reasonable constraints output filename based on input filename and a formatting string. The formatting string can include placeholdes :param input_filename: input cst filename :param output_filename: fixed output filename or basename or None to automatically format using output_format :param cst_function: rosetta function :param number_dca_predictions: maximum number of DCA predictions to use :param output_format: formatting string containing placeholders: %f: rosetta function %n: basename of source file %d: number of dca predictions :return: output filename """ source_basename = splitext(basename(input_filename))[0] cst_function_underscore = cst_function.replace(" ", "_") # chose a default filename, is none given if output_filename is None: output_filename = "constraints/%s.cst" % output_format # check if a path was given, if not put it in the constraints dir elif basename(output_filename) == output_filename: output_filename = "constraints/%s" % output_filename # make sure the filename always ends in .cst if splitext(output_filename)[1] != ".cst": output_filename += ".cst" # replace placeholders with actual values output_filename = output_filename.replace("%f", cst_function_underscore).replace("%n", source_basename).replace("%d", str(number_dca_predictions)) return output_filename
[docs] def parse_dca_filter_string(self, line): """ Parse a text string and turn it tinto a list of DCA filters Multiple filters are separated by command and have the folling format: ``<filter>:<arg>:<arg>:...`` Threshold filter: Lookup dca contacts in a PDB file, discard or keep contact depending on whether the contact is realized: Format: ``threshold:<n>:<cst>:<mode>:<moodel>`` - n: threshold (< 0: keep below, > 0: keep above) - cst: constraints selection to look up PDB file - mode, model: model selection mode (see EvalData.get_models for details) Example: ``threshold:8.0:100rnaDCA_FADE_-100_26_20_-2_2:cluster:1,threshold:-6.0:100rnaDCA_FADE_-100_26_20_-2_2:cluster:1`` None filter: Empty filter Format: ``none`` :param line: string to parse :return: list of DcaFilter objects """ filter_chain = [] # filters are split by "," for filtertext in line.split(","): # initialize to None to suppress warning dca_filter = None # filter fields are split by ":" fields = filtertext.split(":") if fields[0] == "none": continue elif fields[0] == "threshold": threshold = float(fields[1]) cst_name = fields[2] model_kind = fields[3] model_i = fields[4] eval_data = EvalData.load_from_cst(cst_name) model = eval_data.get_models([model_i], model_kind)[0] pdbfile = self.extract_pdb(cst_name, model) filter_pdb_chain = pdbtools.parse_pdb("", pdbfile)[0].child_list[0] dca_filter = dcatools.DcaFilterThreshold(filter_pdb_chain, abs(threshold), keep_below=threshold > 0, mode="minimum_heavy") filter_chain.append(dca_filter) return filter_chain
[docs] def make_constraints(self, dca_prediction_filename="dca/dca.txt", output_filename=None, number_dca_predictions=100, cst_function="FADE -100 26 20 -2 2", filter_text=None, mapping_mode="minAtom"): """ Create a set of constraints from a DCA prediction. :param dca_prediction_filename: DCA input file :param output_filename: fixed output filename or None to automatically create :param number_dca_predictions: maximum number of DCA predictions to use :param cst_function: rosetta function and parameters as text string :param filter_text: optional: List of DCA filters (see parse_dca_filter_string for details) :param mapping_mode: atom-to-atom mapping mode to use, supported values: ``minAtom`` or ``pOnly`` """ self.check_config() output_filename = self._create_constraints_output_filename(dca_prediction_filename, output_filename, cst_function, number_dca_predictions, "%d%n_%f") print "Constraints creation:" print " dca_prediction_filename: %s" % dca_prediction_filename print " output_filename: %s" % output_filename print " number_dca_predictions: %d" % number_dca_predictions print " mode: %s" % mapping_mode print " function: %s" % cst_function print " filter: %s" % filter_text check_file_existence(dca_prediction_filename) # load dca contacts from file dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(dca_prediction_filename) # filter dca data if filter_text is not None: print "Filtering dca data:" dca_filter_chain = self.parse_dca_filter_string(filter_text) dcatools.filter_dca_data(dca_data=dca, dca_filter_chain=dca_filter_chain) # create constraints print "Creating constraints:" cst_info = dcatools.build_cst_info_from_dca_contacts(dca, sequence=self.config["sequence"], mapping_mode=mapping_mode, cst_function=cst_function, number_dca_predictions=number_dca_predictions) # write to file with open(output_filename, "w") as out: for c in cst_info: out.write("%s %d %s %d %s\n" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], " ".join(map(str, c[4]))))
[docs] def edit_constraints(self, constraints, output_filename=None, cst_function="FADE -100 26 20 -2 2"): """ Edit an existing .cst file, replacing the rosetta function. :param constraints: constraints selection :param output_filename: fixed output filename or None to automatically create :param cst_function: rosetta function and parameters as text string """ cst_name, input_filename = self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(constraints) output_filename = self._create_constraints_output_filename(input_filename, output_filename, cst_function) print "Constraints editing:" print " input_filename: %s" % input_filename print " output_filename: %s" % output_filename print " function: %s" % cst_function check_file_existence(input_filename) if input_filename == output_filename: raise SimulationException("Input and output filename cannot be the same") pattern = re.compile(r"^(\S+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+.+$") with open(output_filename, "w") as output_fd: for line in utils.read_file_line_by_line(input_filename): m = pattern.match(line) output_fd.write("%s %s\n" % (, cst_function))
[docs] def print_status(self, native_compare=False, csts=None): """ Print summary of predictions and their current status. Output format always contains the following columns: - P: preparation step - M: motif generation - A: assembly - E: evaluation If a step is completed, ``X`` is shown, ``-`` otherwise. For motif generation a ``*`` may be shown to indicate that models from a different set of constraints are used. If *native_compare* is set to True another 4 columns are printed: - 1: native rmsd score of the first cluster - 5: lowest native rmsd score of the first 5 clusters - 10: lowest native rmsd score of the first 10 clusters - n: number of models :param native_compare: print rmsd comparison to native structure :param csts: list of constraints to include in output (default: all) """ self.check_config() if native_compare and self.config["native_pdb_file"] is None: raise SimulationException("Cannot compare without native information.") if csts: # cst selection cst_names = [self.parse_cst_name_and_filename(cst)[0] for cst in csts] else: cst_names = self.get_csts() print "Status: %s" % self.config["name"] print " cst P M A E" + (" 1 5 10 n" if native_compare else "") print " -------------------------------------------" + ("--------------------------" if native_compare else "") for cst_name in cst_names: status = self.get_status(cst_name, include_evaluation_data=native_compare) done_preparation = "X" if status["step_preparation_done"] else "-" done_motifs = "*" if status["step_motifs_overridden"] else ("X" if status["step_motifs_done"] else "-") done_assembly = "X" if status["step_assembly_done"] else "-" done_evaluation = "X" if status["step_evaluation_done"] else "-" line = " %-035s %s %s %s %s" % (cst_name, done_preparation, done_motifs, done_assembly, done_evaluation) if native_compare: if "evaluation_rmsd_native" in status and status["evaluation_rmsd_native"] is not None: rmsds = tuple("%.2f" % x for x in status["evaluation_rmsd_native"]) else: rmsds = ("-", "-", "-") line += " %05s %05s %05s" % rmsds line += " %05s" % (status["evaluation_model_count"] if "evaluation_model_count" in status and status["evaluation_model_count"] is not None else "-") print line