Source code for

# coding: utf-8

import itertools
import pprint
import numpy as np
import os.path
from os.path import basename, splitext

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from . import dcatools
from . import pdbtools
from .simulation import RNAPrediction
from .simulation import EvalData
from .sysconfig import SysConfig

[docs]def plot_contact_distances(): """Plots histogram for each nucleotide pair contact containing the distances of the atoms involved.""" distance_map = dcatools.get_contact_distance_map() f, axarr = plt.subplots(4, 4) f.suptitle("normed frequency / distance") i = 0 for res_pair, distance_map_res_pair in sorted(distance_map.iteritems()): print res_pair dists = [] for atom_pair, distances_atom_pair in distance_map_res_pair.iteritems(): dists += distances_atom_pair axarr[i / 4, i % 4].hist(dists, normed=True, bins=50) axarr[i / 4, i % 4].set_title(res_pair) axarr[i / 4, i % 4].set_xlim([0, 25]) i += 1
[docs]def plot_contact_atoms(mean_cutoff, std_cutoff): """ Plots atoms involved in forming nucleotide contacts that satisfy the cutoff condition in the contact database. :param mean_cutoff: limit for average distance :param std_cutoff: limit for the standard deviation """ distance_map = dcatools.get_contact_distance_map() mean_distance_map = dcatools.get_contact_distance_map_mean(distance_map, mean_cutoff, std_cutoff) f, axarr = plt.subplots(4, 4) f.suptitle("mean distance (cutoff: %s), standard deviation (cutoff: %s)" % (mean_cutoff, std_cutoff)) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.05, right=0.99, top=0.95, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.1) i = 0 for res_pair, mean_distance_map_res_pair in sorted(mean_distance_map.items()): print res_pair data = sorted(mean_distance_map_res_pair.items(), key=lambda entry: entry[1]) x_names = [d[0] for d in data] x = np.arange(len(x_names)) y = [d[1][0] for d in data] y_err = [d[1][1] for d in data] axarr[i / 4, i % 4].errorbar(x, y, y_err) axarr[i / 4, i % 4].set_xticks(x) axarr[i / 4, i % 4].set_xticklabels(x_names, rotation=90, size="x-small") axarr[i / 4, i % 4].text(0.05, .95, res_pair, transform=axarr[i / 4, i % 4].transAxes, va="top") i += 1
[docs]def plot_constraint_quality(comparison_pdb, sources, dca_mode=False): """ Plot constraint quality. This visualizes the distances of constraints by comparing it to a reference (native) PDB structure. :param comparison_pdb: filename to a pdb file to compare to :param sources: list of dca files or constraints (depending on dca_mode). may also use 'filter:' to filter on-the-fly :param dca_mode: visualize residue-residue DCA instead of atom-atom constraints """ sim = RNAPrediction(SysConfig()) pdb = pdbtools.parse_pdb("foo", comparison_pdb) chain = pdb[0].child_list[0] print "Comparison PDB: %s" % comparison_pdb plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) if dca_mode: print "Mode: residue-residue" bins = np.linspace(0, 60, 60) else: print "Mode: atom-atom" bins = np.linspace(0, 60, 180) for arg in sources: print "Processing: %s" % arg if arg.startswith("filter:"): title = arg _, dca_file, filtertext = arg.split(":", 2) print " Applying filters: %s" % filtertext dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(dca_file) dca_filter_chain = sim.parse_dca_filter_string(filtertext) dcatools.filter_dca_data(dca_data=dca, dca_filter_chain=dca_filter_chain, quiet=True) if not dca_mode: print " Mapping to atom-atom." cst_info = dcatools.build_cst_info_from_dca_contacts(dca, sequence=sim.config["sequence"], mapping_mode="minAtom", cst_function="FADE -100 26 20 -2 2", number_dca_predictions=100, quiet=True) else: if dca_mode: title = splitext(basename(arg))[0] print " Reading dca file directly." dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(arg) else: if ":" in arg: title = arg print " Building cst from dca on-the-fly." arg = arg.split(":") dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(arg[0]) cst_info = dcatools.build_cst_info_from_dca_contacts(dca, sequence=sim.config["sequence"], mapping_mode=arg[1] if arg[1] else "minAtom", cst_function=arg[2] if arg[2] else "FADE -100 26 20 -2 2", number_dca_predictions=int(arg[3]) if arg[3] else 100, quiet=True) else: title = splitext(basename(arg))[0] print " Reading cst file directly." cst_info = sim.parse_cst_file(sim.parse_cst_name_and_filename(arg)[1]) dists = [] if dca_mode: j = 0 for d in dca: if not d.use_contact: continue j += 1 if j > 100: break average_heavy, minimum_heavy, minimum_pair = dcatools.get_contact_information_in_pdb_chain(d, chain) if minimum_pair is None: continue dists.append(minimum_heavy) else: for cst in cst_info: atom1, res1, atom2, res2, fuction = cst try: dists.append(chain[res1][atom1] - chain[res2][atom2]) except KeyError: print atom1, res1, atom2, res2, " NOT FOUND" print " Average distance:", np.average(dists) plt.hist(dists, bins, alpha=0.6, label=title) plt.legend() plt.title("%s Constraints Quality %s" % ("Residue-Residue" if dca_mode else "Atom-Atom", os.path.basename(os.getcwd()))) plt.xlabel(u"Native distance / Å") plt.ylabel("Number of contraints") plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_tools_quality_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_dca_contacts_in_pdb(dca_prediction_filename, pdb_files): """ Visualize how well DCA contacts are fullfiled in PDB files. This plots the distances of dca contacts in one or more PDB files. :param dca_prediction_filename: input DCA filename :param pdb_files: list of PDB filenames """ dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(dca_prediction_filename=dca_prediction_filename) # loop over all pdb files chains = [] for p in pdb_files: pdb = pdbtools.parse_pdb("foo", p) chains.append({"chain": pdb[0].child_list[0], "name": p}) maximum = min(len(dca), 100) averages = np.zeros((len(chains), maximum)) minimums = np.zeros((len(chains), maximum)) # loop over all dca entries for j, d in enumerate(dca): if j >= maximum: break print d for i in xrange(0, len(chains)): average_heavy, minimum_heavy, minimum_pair = dcatools.get_contact_information_in_pdb_chain(d, chains[i]["chain"]) if minimum_pair is None: print " %-70s not found, ignoring..." % chains[i]["name"] continue averages[i][j] = average_heavy minimums[i][j] = minimum_heavy print " %-70s avg: %.05f min: %-3s %-3s %f" % (chains[i]["name"], average_heavy, minimum_pair[0].name, minimum_pair[1].name, minimum_heavy) colors = itertools.cycle(['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']) x = np.array(range(0, maximum)) width = 0.8 for i in xrange(0, len(chains)): color = + 1 - width / 2, averages[i], width, label=chains[i]["name"], color=color, alpha=0.5) plt.xticks(x + 1, rotation="vertical") plt.xlim((0, maximum + 1)) plt.legend() plt.title(dca_prediction_filename) plt.xlabel("DCA Prediction Number") plt.ylabel(u"Distance / Å") plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_tools_checkcontacts_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_clusters(cst, max_models=0.99, score_weights=None): """ Plot score over native rmsd. :param cst: constraints :param max_models: limit to number of models if > 1, or relative percentage if <= 1 :param score_weights: see EvalData.get_weighted_model_score """ sim = RNAPrediction(SysConfig()) cst_name, cst_file = sim.parse_cst_name_and_filename(cst) eval_data = EvalData.load_from_cst(cst_name) number = int(max_models) if number <= 1: number = int(eval_data.get_model_count() * max_models) models = eval_data.get_models(range(1, number + 1), "top") models_c = [] plots = [] descs = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) # no cluster models_c.append([m for m in models if "cluster" not in m]) descs.append("no cluster (%d)" % (len(models_c[0]))) # clusters i = 1 while True: models_current_cluster = [m for m in models if "cluster" in m and m["cluster"] == i] if len(models_current_cluster) == 0: n_clusters = i - 1 break models_c.append(models_current_cluster) descs.append("cluster %d (%d)" % (i, len(models_current_cluster))) i += 1 if "rmsd_native" in models_c[1][0]: comparison = "rmsd_native" plt.xlabel("native rmsd / A") else: comparison = "rmsd_cluster_1" plt.xlabel("rmsd to best structure / A") # create plots colors = ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#FFFF00', '#00FFFF', '#FF00FF', '#ff6600', '#006000', '#600060', '#F7C2CA'] shapes = ['o', 'D', 's', 'p'] def pick_event(event): cluster = plots.index(event.artist) for ind in event.ind: print "cluster %d: %s" % (cluster, models_c[cluster][ind]["tag"]) pprint.pprint(models_c[cluster][ind]) for i in range(0, n_clusters + 1): color = "w" if i == 0 else colors[(i - 1) % len(colors)] shape = "o" if i == 0 else shapes[((i - 1) / len(colors)) % len(shapes)] plots.append(plt.scatter([x[comparison] for x in models_c[i]], [x["score"] if score_weights is None else EvalData.get_weighted_model_score(x, score_weights) for x in models_c[i]], s=35, c=color, marker=shape, picker=True)) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', pick_event) plt.title("model clusters %s, constraints: %s" % (sim.config["name"], cst_name)) plt.ylabel("rosetta score") plt.legend(plots, descs, loc="upper right", prop={'size': 12}) plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_tools_rmsdscore_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_pdb_comparison(pdb_ref_filename, pdbs_sample_filenames): """ Compare PDB files by plotting the distance of the residues. :param pdb_ref_filename: reference PDB filename :param pdbs_sample_filenames: list of sample PDB filenames """ pdb_ref = pdbtools.parse_pdb("foo", pdb_ref_filename) sim = RNAPrediction(SysConfig()) pdbs_sample = [] for sample in pdbs_sample_filenames: if ":" in sample: fields = sample.split(":") pdbs_sample.append(sim.extract_pdb(fields[0], RNAPrediction.get_models(fields[0], [fields[2]], fields[1])[0])) else: pdbs_sample.append(sample) pdbs_sample = [pdbtools.parse_pdb(i, i) for i in pdbs_sample] sim = RNAPrediction(SysConfig()) print sim.config["sequence"] print sim.config["secstruc"] plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) ax = plt.gca() plt.title("Residue Distances %s" % (sim.config["name"])) plt.xlabel("Residue") plt.ylabel(u"Distance to Native Structure / Å") x_values = np.arange(1, len(sim.config["sequence"]) + 1) x_labels = ["%s\n%s" % ("\n".join(list("%.2d" % (i + 1))), x) for i, x in enumerate(sim.config["sequence"])] x_min = 0.5 x_max = len(x_values) + 0.5 plt.xlim([x_min, x_max]) plt.xticks(x_values, x_labels) y_min = 0 y_max = 0 # y limits will be set later when we know the final size for pdb_sample in pdbs_sample: dists_res, dists_atom, rmsd, rotran = pdbtools.align_structure(pdb_ref, pdb_sample, assign_b_factors=True) plt.plot(x_values, dists_res, "-o", plt.plot((x_min, x_max), (rmsd, rmsd), "--", color=ax.lines[-1].get_color()) y_max = max(y_max, max(dists_res)) y_max *= 1.025 plt.ylim([y_min, y_max]) hatch = "" last_x = "" start_i = 0 for i, x in enumerate(sim.config["secstruc"]+"."): if x != last_x and last_x != "": if last_x != ".": if last_x == "(": hatch = "//" elif last_x == ")": hatch = "\\\\" plt.fill_between([start_i + 0.5, i + 0.5], y_min, y_max, hatch=hatch, color="grey", edgecolor="black", alpha=0.25) start_i = i last_x = x plt.legend(prop={'size': 12}) plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_tools_seqdist_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_gdt(pdb_ref_filename, pdbs_sample_filenames): sim = RNAPrediction(SysConfig()) pdb_ref = pdbtools.parse_pdb("foo", pdb_ref_filename) pdbs_sample = [] for sample in pdbs_sample_filenames: if ":" in sample: fields = sample.split(":") pdbs_sample.append(sim.extract_pdb(fields[0], RNAPrediction.get_models(fields[0], [fields[2]], fields[1])[0])) else: pdbs_sample.append(sample) pdbs_sample = [pdbtools.parse_pdb(i, i) for i in pdbs_sample] print sim.config["sequence"] print sim.config["secstruc"] plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) ax = plt.gca() plt.title("GDT Plot %s" % (sim.config["name"])) plt.xlabel("Percent of Residues") plt.ylabel(u"Distance Cutoff / Å") x_min = 0 x_max = 100 plt.xlim([x_min, x_max]) y_min = 0 y_max = 0 # y limits will be set later when we know the final size for pdb_sample in pdbs_sample: dists_res, dists_atom, rmsd, rotran = pdbtools.align_structure(pdb_ref, pdb_sample, assign_b_factors=True) dists_res = sorted(dists_res) count = len(dists_res) x_values = [] y_values = [] for i in xrange(0, count): x_values.append(100 * (i + 1.0) / count) y_values.append(dists_res[i]) plt.plot(x_values, y_values, "-", plt.plot((x_min, x_max), (rmsd, rmsd), "--", color=ax.lines[-1].get_color()) y_max = max(y_max, max(dists_res)) y_max *= 1.025 plt.ylim([y_min, y_max]) plt.legend(prop={'size': 12}, loc="upper left") plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_tools_gdtplot_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_tp_rate(pdb_ref_filename, dca_filenames, tp_cutoff=8.0): pdb_ref = pdbtools.parse_pdb("foo", pdb_ref_filename) chain = pdb_ref[0].child_list[0] for p, dca_filename in enumerate(dca_filenames): count = 0 tp = 0 dca = dcatools.parse_dca_data(dca_filename) x_values = [] y_values = [] for d in dca: count += 1; average_heavy, minimum_heavy, minimum_pair = dcatools.get_contact_information_in_pdb_chain(d, chain, heavy_only=False) if minimum_heavy < tp_cutoff: tp += 1 print d.res1, d.res2, 1.0 * tp / count, minimum_heavy x_values.append(count) y_values.append(1.0 * tp / count) print count, tp plt.plot(x_values, y_values, "-", label=dca_filename) plt.title("TP-Rate %s, Cutoff = %s" % (os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), tp_cutoff)) plt.xlabel("Rank") plt.ylabel("TP-Rate / Rank") plt.xlim([1, 1000]) plt.ylim([0, 1.1]) plt.xscale("log") plt.legend() plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_predict_tprate_%s.png" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]def plot_contact_map(native_filename="native.pdb", first_filename="dca/dca.txt", second_filename="dca/mi.txt", native_cutoff=8.0): # get native pairs print "Calculating native contacts..." chain = pdbtools.parse_pdb("", native_filename)[0].child_list[0] native = [] for i,res1 in enumerate(chain): for j,res2 in enumerate(chain): if j <= i: continue minimum = 9999 for atom1 in res1: for atom2 in res2: dist = atom1 - atom2 if dist < minimum: minimum = dist if minimum < native_cutoff: native += [[(i + 1, j + 1), minimum]] dca_first = dcatools.parse_dca_data(first_filename) dca_second = dcatools.parse_dca_data(second_filename) first = [[d.res1, d.res2] for d in dca_first] second = [[d.res1, d.res2] for d in dca_second] m, n = (np.min(first) - 5, np.max(first) + 5) plt.xlim([m, n]) plt.ylim([m, n]) plt.plot([n, m], [n, m], ls="--", c=".3") plt.scatter([x[0][0] for x in native], [x[0][1] for x in native], marker="s", color="grey", alpha=0.5) plt.scatter([x[0][1] for x in native], [x[0][0] for x in native], marker="s", color="grey", alpha=0.5) plt.scatter([x[0] for x in first[:25]], [x[1] for x in first[:25]], marker="s", color="green", facecolors='none', alpha=0.8) plt.scatter([x[0] for x in first[25:100]], [x[1] for x in first[25:100]], marker="s", color="red", facecolors='none', alpha=0.8) plt.scatter([x[1] for x in second[:25]], [x[0] for x in second[:25]], marker="s", color="green", facecolors='none', alpha=0.8) plt.scatter([x[1] for x in second[25:100]], [x[0] for x in second[25:100]], marker="s", color="red", facecolors='none', alpha=0.8) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.title("Contact map %s" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd())) plt.xlabel("Residuue (%s)" % first_filename) plt.ylabel("Residuue (%s)" % second_filename) plt.savefig("/tmp/rna_predict_cm_%s.pdf" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), bbox_inches="tight")